nicholas wright


In Uncategorized on 04/13/2011 at 12:10 pm

Title: “Owned”
materials: hand painted frame grass turf photo shop.

This piece relates to three different things at once the title is a duel reference to both the game slang terminology “you’ve been owned” and to the owner ship of land which is another form of ownership, It also references the English obsession with land ownership and especially with the grass lawns of suburbia. In a time when people seem happy to squabble over the tiniest scraps of legal ownership of any part of the country. This piece can also be seen as a political comment on the “landed” gentry and the refusal of the rich to pay back what they have stolen from the people using electronic transfers. This is the reasoning for the medium to be a digital print available in an infinite edition, as a comment on societies obsession with money and power. In the end money does grow on trees its just paper.