
By: nicholas wright

Dec 01 2010

Category: Uncategorized

Laminated book of dreams  a2 collage on paper

Information war a2 collage on paper

On a side note i originally started the creation of this piece while thinking about the idea of an information war. That the internet allows the people to communicate far more freely than the governing bodies of the world wish. This was before the current (december 2010) outcry and witch hunt for the creator of wikileaks a site i believe is probably one of the greatest step forwards in humanities struggle against oppression by the over privaleged few. Its simply about information about how all of it should be free, and yet a battle for the very information we crave because of the internet and the digital revolution is being waged silently between governments and the public, remember what they tell you is dangerous to public safety is usually just an inverted way of saying its dangerous to their own safety.